The concept of research can be clearly defined by the element of research that it encompasses. Research, in its most basic sense, is all about exploring a subject deep enough to discover aspects that have not been examined or known before. Research, therefore, can be described as the central nervous system in which the process of securing knowledge takes place. For a university where knowledge is the very reason for its existence, research becomes an indispensable tool because it is only through it that true scholarship can be obtained. The success of UPM as a prominent research university is defined by its successive research transformations that have helped shape its academic and research excellence.

Research Management
Being a premier research university, UPM’s commitment to research is well supported by the services it offers to its researchers. Ranging from funding to training schemes in providing the best of facilities, all UPM's research services are geared towards empowering its researchers to develop their knowledge and skills so that they would in return contribute to the creation of new and enhanced knowledge for the benefit of the nation and the world.
Innovation Management
In order to realise UPM’s vision to provide its research community with the best of services and enhance its reputation for quality research, a clearly laid out structure is crucial. UPM’s researches are often interdisciplinary in nature, and as such, the different research entities available at UPM are able to support each other in order to substantially strengthen its research output.

Online Services
A wide range of online services have been developed to assist researchers and add value to their research.
Contact Us
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel: +603-9769 1002/1293